i'll find the restaurant that's right for your night

HOWM Cocina & Cocktails


518 West 27th St. (between 10th and 11th Avenues)

Latin American.  HOWM, pronounced home, is an absolute Chelsea jewel.  Nestled in the Selina hotel, you might unknowingly pass it by.  But what you would be missing.  This isn’t just good food.  The flavor of every dish was nothing less than phenomenal.

I began with Peruvian ceviche (local fluke, aji amarillo, red onion, sweet potato).  So fresh, so tangy, and as fish generous as you could wish.  I have ceviched many times, but this was off the charts.

I next indulged in the mini churrasco (grilled hanger steak, chimichurri).  This smaller version of their entrée is actually exceedingly plentiful, the cut as impressive as its more lauded counterparts.

Transitioning to their large plates, I was ocean bound.  First, chaulafan (aka Ecuadorian fried rice).  The South American take on paella, a dazzling abundance of chicken chorizo, shrimp, squid, salsa verde and chicharrone.

I then dove into the sea with jalea mixta, a lightly fried fiesta of calamari, shrimp, market fish plus salsa criolla.  Just as thrilling and filling as chaulafan.

The meal’s end took the form of La Concha.  An exceptional dessert billed as salted caramel ice cream, whipped cream and shaved chocolate.  Not advertised, the ice cream encased shell which deserves to be screamed from the rooftops.

So does everything about this Latin American find.  Trust me when I say there’s no place like HOWM.