i'll find the restaurant that's right for your night


72 Bedford Street (corner of Commerce St.)  

Brazilian.  Hear someone say Siri and I bet the first thing that comes to mind is not an off the charts Brazilian dish of crab meat baked with tomatoes, parmesan and bread crumbs.  Yet, once you’ve experienced the ridiculously flavorful Casquinha de Siri, it’ll be pretty much impossible to think of anything else.

It’s one of the many incredible creations you might encounter at Casa, which you could easily follow with the Camarão ao alho e óleo (aka shrimp sautéed with garlic and extra virgin olive oil).  Just don’t be fooled by the deceptively simple sounding description because its Brazillian brilliance is anything but.

Tempting stews are among the main courses, including Xinxim de Galinha (Bahia’s organic chicken and shrimp with tomatoes, cilantro, onion, white rice).  This combination doesn’t just work, it woos.

Whenever I walk by, it’s hard not to notice they’re packed with happy people.  For delicious Brazilian on Bedford St, this is the place to be.  If you don’t believe me, ask Siri.


New York, NY 10014