i'll find the restaurant that's right for your night

Loreley Restaurant & Biergarten

7 Rivington Street (between Chrystie Street and the Bowery)

German.  Loreley is a bar.  And a restaurant.  And a beer garden.  Lucky for everyone, each has equal access to the same compelling menu.  Which includes the soft baked German pretzels I happily contemplated until spying four magic words: Cheddar Jalapeno Pretzel Balls.  Jalapeno poppers in a pretzel shell!?  A stunningly brilliant invention and just as wunderbar as it sounds.

Well how do you follow that?  You could do a 180 with the Loreley salad (light, fresh and seasonal with cucumbers, carrots, apples, grapes, Gouda cheese, sliced almonds).  Who knew a place that’s 1/3 bar would concoct something so healthy and life affirming?

Also on tap in their kitchen, the Loreley Burger (grilled tomatoes, sautéed onions, generous in both taste and diameter).  I requested the Gouda option and the combination was irrefutably harmonious.

If your preference is poultry, you might try the grilled chicken sandwich (marinated breast on a Kaiser roll, lettuce, tomato, mayo).  It offers another opportunity to go Gouda and I did because it is, I’ll say it, that incredibly goud.

Following the cheese fest, it was time for some apfelstrudel (home made apple strudel beneath a drizzle of vanilla sauce).  Just ask for the vanilla ice cream add on to make an enticing ending even more extraordinary.  It, too, was larger than life, an excellent quality in any dessert.

You may land at Loreley for the bar, the restaurant or the beer garden, but one thing is certain.  You will walk out infinitely happier.


New York, NY 10002